Vacancy caducado!
Michael Most Trucking Inc.
We are looking for one team to go from Phoenix AZ to Colorado. Deliver Monday. Deliver into Ottawa IL on Tuesday
Deliver into Denver on Wednesday. Deliver into Ottawa IL on Thursday. Deliver to Denver on Friday. Back to Phoenix AZ late Friday night, early Saturday morning. Leave out again about 1600 on Saturday and do it all over again. Pay is $108,000.00 plus a year per driver. Average of 5500 miles per week. DRIVERS ARE HOME EVERY WEEK FOR A RESET OF 34 PLUS HOURS.
We have paid vacations, Medical insurance, Stop pay, and Quarterly bonuses.
Must have 2 years experience, clean MVR, good work history.
No more than 5 jobs in the past 10 years
Please go to the following link and fill out an application.
or call 602-353-8400 ext:9
Vacancy caducado!