Vacancy caducado!
Day Prep is hiring tutors for students in grades K - 12 in the afternoon hours, primarily from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Students in grades 6 - 12 can also work from 6 - 10 p.m. as desired. Weekends optional. Some daytime positions are also available. Flexible schedule to meet your preferred level of weekly hours.
We provide all materials for you to use with our proven methods. Our students love working with their Day Prep tutors. You may choose your preferred grade levels and subject areas to ensure the right fit.
Minimum $40 - 50/hour, depending on experience and education.
Please check out our website at and our Team page.
How to apply: Apply HERE:
Ability to build rapport with students
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Strong executive functioning skills for record-keeping
Creative, fun, engaging!
Leadership qualities and strong integrity
Education: Our team members have a range of educational backgrounds, from some college degrees to doctoral-level degrees. We are an equal opportunity employer and provide all needed training to our dynamic team members.
Vacancy caducado!