Vacancy caducado!
Hi- Thanks for reading our ad! Please read all of it before respondingplease leave a voicemail.
This is a fun job that has a lot of laughs and friendly customers. We've done business in Orland Park Mall for years and try our best to employ friendly, patient, reliable, smiling people.
Must be able to work weekends as wellwe're open from around 12am-7:00pm most days and never past 6:15 pm on Sundays.
Looking for someone with at least 10 years of general work experience who works well with co-workers and public!
Great team manager and others to work with at location.
This job is great for semi-retired folks! Many of our employees are seasoned semi-retirees!
Also great for people looking for a second job- sometimes we can help work around your schedule.
This position can be between around 12-24 hours per week depending on your availability.
We'd love to hear from you and meet you soon. We have a friendly and nice staff that you'll enjoy being with.
Please read the following (twice) prior to responding
Please do not respond if:
You want a job for a few week/months until you find what you're truly looking for.
You can't pass a drug screening or background check or have ever been arrested.
You want or like to stare at your phone while working.
You don't drive or rely on others to take you to work.
You're in high school or a college student.
You need smoking breaks at all.
You live far from the mall.
You change jobs a lot.
If you understand all of the above and would like to inquire
A quick phone conversation will determine if it's a fit for you and us, then a meet and greet at mall location.
Please call 847-818-1825 and leave a voice message stating: "Orland Mall, your name and phone #"
NO TEXTS please.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Vacancy caducado!