Vacancy caducado!
Looking for a part time help. We have many labor jobs, around the farm and for my work, needing extra hands and strong muscle .
We are a multispecies farmstead, on the southside of Lexington and I run a small outdoor business.
Requirements lifting 80lbs, wheel barrowing this to there, picking up moving equipment, cleaning stalls, working around chickens to horses, Farm machines, motor skills, electrical knowledge, maybe light carpentry.
Outside in the fresh air. Part time to more sometimes, days are flexible.
I would like a dependable, willing to work hard with a good attitude kinda of a guy that can dress for the weather, take direction, show up, & GET R DONE
Please contact me, if you are that kinda guy
When you email call or text, please go ahead & tell me about you and your background with my work needs.
Vacancy caducado!