Vacancy expired!
GENUINE is looking for:
● All ethnicities, genders, and abilities ages 35+
● People who are in the midst of caring for a senior loved one and making senior care decisions (senior living and/or home care)
● This can include people who are:
○ Caring for a parent or in-law
○ Part of the sandwich generation
○ Caring for a spouse
○ Caring for an indirect relative
○ The grandchild for the grandparent
● We are interested in a wide range of stories including hearing from those who are new to caregiving (less than 1 year), who have been caregiving for several years, and those who are caregiving part- or full-time.
If selected for the final project, you will be paid $500 and featured in a round table conversation-style video project about being a family caregiver.
SUBMIT via this link by Tuesday 9/17:
Kansas City -area search – must be able/open to working locally in Kansas City.