Vacancy expired!
Have you ever noticed that all ads these days say the same things even though many times nothing in them is true?
We take a totally different approach. For instance let's talk about leads. How may ads talk about FREE leads. We all know that there is no such thing. Either they wack you for the cost after you run the leads and don't sell their crappy leads or they lower your commission to cover the cost but they certainly aren't free. BTW we do have preset appts but they aren't freebut you will like them.
My next favorite is we have the best productsnot true. Pretty much just about all products are just spin offs on other products and it isn't very often something truly different comes along, BUT WE DO HAVE AN EXCLUSIVE PRODUCT I WILL BE GLAD TO SHARE WITH YOU.
For our best choice on an IUL we represent the #1 selling IUL in the country and frankly they seem to have the best IUL out there so you will get a terrific product with full living benefits. How about term with living benefits? How about non-med to $3,000,000. We have it and I bet you don't.
Last but not least is we are totally transparent. We are up front and honest about we can do and what we can't/won't do. So if you are interested in that kind of work environment we should talk. ( no license yet.we should still talk if you are looking for a real opportunity).