Maintence man -Rentals

West Virginia, Charleston
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handyman 2 - full or/ and part time - need asap (charleston)

compensation: $15 hr- 20$

employment type: contract

job title: handyman rental properties

part time - full time

Truck n Tools

little bit of everything 15$-20 ( if you are liscensed in a craft will pay more n can be your weekend/ afterhours job).

mostly minor repairs n heavy cleaning n lifting n hauling things build decks carpentry painting basic plumbing etc.

immedate hire 16-24 hrs per week( part time)

ideal candidate will have truck basic tools and be a morning person, Work with little supervision.

increase in pay after 45 successful days.

2 forms of photo id

plz respond with contact info and list of skills. We wont respond to Interested or call me!

also need full time handyman beginning 1/25at a minimum

truck tools skills basic plumbing - carpentry- roofing ( one story), minor electric seeking a old fashioned skilled wva man 36-40 hrs per week.

must have photo id copies of Any liscense or certifications,

be drug free

youll be an independent contractor unless you prefer we take taxes

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