Virtual Focus Group

Virginia, Winchester

Vacancy caducado!

Focus Group - $XXXX – Thursday June 27th, from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. (Virtual / Zoom)

Compensation: $75.00 for the day

Employment type: contract

On Saturday July 7th, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., we are having another discussion group on an actual legal case. Your opinions are important in helping to decide two cases.

Please answer all the questions - just copy the questions and send your answers.

All questions must be answered or the application will not be considered (sorry)


1. Age:

2. Gender:

3. Race:

4. Married - Yes/No:

5. Highest schooling/grade completed:

6. Are your currently working? If so, what do you do?

7. Are you currently in school? Is so, what do you study? Have you ever studied law?

8. Have you ever worked in any area of law? Please be descriptive.

9. Ever been a plaintiff or defendant in lawsuit?

10. How many times have you participated in some-type of focus group?

11. What is your first language?

12. If forced to select which political party you most identify with (understanding that this is a hard question), which would you identify with, "Democrat" or "Republican"? Why? (Please do not write in a third party).

B. CONTACT Information.

1. Name as specified on your driver’s license:

2. Contact phone number:

3. Contact email address:

Some additional info:

1. Your information will not be shared for any reason and shall remain confidential.

2. Note, you must sign a confidentiality agreement in order to participate. The secession will be recorded.

3. If you are selected, we will give you a call to confirm and send you the confidentiality agreement. You must send a copy of your license or photo ID with your confidentiality agreement.

4. Payment will be sent via Paypal or Zelle.

5. Your camera must be on and you must be mentally present during the focus group. We will remove any participants who are not participating. Being removed will result in nonpayment.

Thank you.

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