Vacancy expired!
Looking for thick skinned individuals to knock residential doors, set appointments and ultimately sell whole house water filtrations systems. The pay is awesome It's the best in the industry. But it is not easy, you will have to work Those that go out and put in the time/work WILL succeed!
In this business you can be a "D" student and still make $100,000 a year! I can prove it to you
In this business you will have a lot of people tell you no like in any sales job. Those people do not matter. 1 out of 5 homeowners will buy a whole house water filter that can afford it. Why? Because EVERYONE wants clean and healthy water!
I have 20 years in this business, and I can teach you all that you need to know to be successful. But the one thing that I cannot give you is a thick skin.
If you are currently a door knocker that is setting appointments for a salesperson to go in and make all the money, then you are selling yourself short. Knocking doors is over half the battle. Once the homeowner says yes to an appointment, 1 in 5 will say BUY
This is a 100% commission position
I pay within 48 hours after the deal is done.
Knock doors, knock doors, knock doors, set appointments, conduct water test and educate the homeowners on the quality and importants of clean and healthy water.
Thick Skin, and I mean this. If you are a person whose feelings get hurt when someone tells them no, this is not for you.
Vacancy expired!