Vacancy expired!
Looking for somebody who can do work and coordinate work. Projects include remodels, new construction, maintenance, and upgrades. Mostly residential, some commercial. All relatively modest, such as house remodel. We generally take on a project at a time and run it to completion, and we've got a number of projects in the pipeline. You need not know how to do everything, but the more you know how to do (and are willing to do) the busier we will keep you. This could be a full time position, with benefits negotiable, depending on your interests and capabilities.
A good work ethic is a valued attribute.
Our projects sometimes get hung up waiting for this or that, and we would like somebody who can plug some of the holes, keep the job moving, and not break the bank with supervision. In addition, anything that you can do (reasonably) well we will likley put on your list, depending on how full the pipeline is for work and the cost-effectiveness of you doing it. In this way we keep you productive and fully employed and also get our projects advanced. We all win.
We take pride in our work and do a good job, and while we are cost-conscious we aren't corner cutters. Corner-cutting costs in the long haul, plus it's just not enjoyable. It's important to us to have good experiences as we go.
The work is varied, we think it's interesting, and we intend to keep it so. We are willing to take on challenges, which can involve problem solving and creativity.
Compensation is negotiable, but probably looks something like this: $40/hour with benefits as a full time position where we keep you productive in any number of ways, including construction work and coordination. Or as a Contract position, not full time, $50 per hour and we are use you where it's a best fit only. In the first case, we're more willing to experiment with a wider range of assignments, which some people might find interesting. In the second case we are more discriminating.
Please submit your qualifications and expression of interest in any way which suits you. Include your experience and capabilities. We will get back with you including details of the company and more about us, and we will respond to every legitimate inquiry. We appreciate your time.
Thank you for your interest.
Vacancy expired!