Vacancy expired!
Work Type:Faculty Full-Time
Locations:Houma, LA
Categories:Academic Affairs, Maritime and Continuing Education, TechnicalCollege:Fletcher Technical Community CollegeDepartment:Academic Affairs and InitiativesSub department:Energy and Advanced TechnologiesType of Appointment:Unclassified - Faculty 12 monthDuties and Responsibilities:Maintain performance standards and pursue goals, objectives, and activities that promote the mission, vision and value statement of the College.Adhere to designated schedule of classes and office hours. Begin class on time and meet for the required contact hours. Submit, post, and keep regular required office hours.Be available to students via phone or email to assist with any assignment questions/needs, within 24 hours for workdays and 48 hours on weekends, according to division procedures.Foster, demonstrate, and actively participate in a culture of mutual respect for students, guests, and co-workers from all backgrounds, perspectives and abilities. Communicate effectively with students, colleagues, and supervisors, and utilize appropriate channels of communication within the college community concerning procedures and/or inquiries.Develop, distribute, and post semester/session course syllabi to Course Management System as approved by supervisor prior to the start of the course. Syllabi must be in accordance with approved master syllabi and describe in detail the requirements of the course/module, attendance policy, assessment strategies, grading system, classroom policies, and other information as appropriate. Instruct students on the safe and proper use of equipment and supplies, and in procedures for proper housekeeping and storage of materials.Devote adequate time to class preparation for the instructional process, such that class time is maximized to the benefit of the students and content is presented in a professional manner. Utilize a variety of teaching methods and evaluation methods to accommodate students with varying learning styles, with adequate opportunity for students to engage in dialogue about course content, while covering the approved curriculum. Collaborate with departmental colleagues regarding instruction, the selection of library resources (software, textbooks, etc.), and the development of master course syllabi. Use assessment tools that align with master and departmental syllabi.Monitor enrollment of students in classes by directing students who are not officially enrolled to the appropriate office to correct enrollment problems and by restricting attendance to students who are officially enrolled.Attend and provide meaningful instruction for all class sessions during the semesters/sessions. Be punctual in class attendance and provide instruction for the complete class period. Make appropriate arrangements for necessary absences according to college policies. Be adaptable to schedule/load adjustments based upon enrollment and accountable for a forty-hour work week, including instructional responsibilities, planning, meetings, etc.Develop and update a mechanism for collecting data in the assessment of course learning objectives and program student learning outcomes OR general education competencies. Engage in classroom research and assessment of learning experiences of students both for immediate feedback for teachers and students for long-range improvement of courses, degree, diploma, and/or certificate programs, and general education effectiveness.Maximize the use of advanced technology in the classroom or available learning centers as appropriate.Develop and administer periodic tests, assignments, and informal classroom assessment (formative and summative) to monitor students' performances and instructional effectiveness. Administer final examinations during the scheduled exam periods.Maintain accurate attendance, progress, and evaluation instruments in an acceptable grade book format and file grade ooks with department head or appropriate supervisor at the end of each semester/session (retain evaluation instruments no fewer than 3 years); adhere to all timelines established with submission of reporting shows and no shows, grade rosters, reporting non-attendance, counseling referrals, responding to record inquiries and other communications regarding students.Verify eligibility for courses and communicate with Enrollment Services as needed.Be available to students via phone or email to assist with any assignment questions/needs in a timely manner according to division procedures.Serve as a resource for students regarding job opportunities in the discipline or program, certification or licensure, and articulated programs and course work at secondary and post-secondary institutions. Maintain job placement records as applicable. Serve as a resource for students in the pursuit of employment or advanced educational opportunities, completing re
Vacancy expired!