Vacancy expired!
I have 2-3 cases I need a licensed attorney to represent me on, in the Midland area.
An Appeal on the 11th.
A criminal complaint in Midland.
A Legal Malpractice in Midland.
These cases stem from an altercation in 2016, and it reads like a Hollywood movie script. Cossack Motorcycle Gang member, that appears to a snitch, an overzealous DA and an attorney that leaves out 4 exhibits from a civil case.
If you remember the shootout between the Bandidos and the Cossacks in Waco in 2015, you'll be interested in this!
"Key word search, Roxanne Avery, NY Times, Twin Peaks, Bandidos and Cossacks".
No, I'm not kidding.
Recent graduates preferred! I don't have enough money to pay the legal talent I need to finish this matter off.
Midland is a tight community, with a handful of attorneys, so you need to be out to make a name for yourself.
I filed the cases Pro-Se, they are moving through the system, I need an expert to steer it the rest of the way.
The hard work is done, complaints, motions, etc. It's really just a matter of dotting I's and crossing T's.
You don't need to live in the Midland area, just be able to make it there for the hearings.
Vacancy expired!