Looking for a part time employee to join the team. We have a really awesome small group so good attitude and friendly personality are the priority with a good eye, good work ethic, and care for detail coming in next.
Pay is $20/hr and tips paid out in cash range from $7-10/hr. Free pizza obviously. We treat our customers like family so just kill them with kindness it makes everyone's lives better. And we treat each other with respect because it makes for a much better work life.
You'll mostly be answering phones, working the Square PoS, doing some light prep work (portioning dressings), assembling salads, stocking the drink case, wiping down tables, we all take equal turn doing dishes, if you want to learn how to make pizzas we are happy to teach, boxing and cutting pizzas, helping customers with slices, a little bit of oven work.
Current available shifts are Thursday 2:30-8:30 and Friday 2:30-9:30 but if you are a good fit and need more hours we can figure something out.
If you're interested send me an email, include some personality traits, why you think you'd be a good fit, and anything else you'd like me to know.