I'm looking for an electrician and who likes to learn the trade and grow!
Electrician must have some experience.
You can work part-time or full-time. Depending on when you can be on the job site.
Must have:
-Hand tools
-Reliable transportation.
-Good communication skills.
-Able to work one one-on-one with customers on a regular basis.
-Strong work ethic and be punctual.
-Ability to work safely around electrical and construction hazards.
-You need some experience working with pulling wires and installing pipes.
-Ability to work by yourself or with others.
The job pays between $23 and $25 per hour based on experience.
If you don't understand a task ask me and I will explain. We work as a team and help each other
to get the jobs done.
Please leave your name and telephone number and I will call you back.