Experience not necessary, we will train.
Personal assistant helper needed to assist disabled person part-time, days nights and weekends in his home.
Anyone 18 or older is welcome to apply.
He is an intelligent elderly and very pleasant person and I know, you will enjoy working with him and assisting him. He is very interesting to talk to with his gift of good old-fashion wisdom, insight, solution oriented with a dash of humor.
We are seeking people who are reliable and pleasant. Please leave your contact information including your name and phone number. Someone will call you to set up an interview or answer any questions you may have.
Must be available to work holidays when needed.
Don't miss this opportunity as it is a positive and rewarding learning experience that will give you insight, including, into solving complex health and living problems you or your family will likely inherit as you approach the later years of life.
Thank you for your interest. He is looking forward to meeting you.