We are looking for a partner driver to work in Long Island as a driver. The company will provide the car, gas, maintenance, and Insurance. The daily shift from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Work 8 hours to 12 hours per day. Pick your shift. 3 Shift available. 6 Days of work required.
We have Non-Emergency Medical Transportation jobs all over Long Island. Driver will pick up clients and bring them to their medical appointments and/or other destinations.
5 Am to 3 Pm
6 Am to 4 Pm
7 Am to 5 Pm
Earnings: $800 - $1100.00 Clean Average Per Week.
Please send a WhatsApp 646-353-5746
Start Today.
Valid Driver's License
Live in the Long Island Area
Have an Android Or iPhone to use the Company App.
Legal Alien, USA Citizen or Legal Work Permit