Are you a true remodeling pro? Do you run a small remodeling crew with 1 or more helpers? Tired of chasing projects? Home Front has plenty of work!
Home Front Renovations is buried in kitchen & bath remodeling, home additions/conversions and whole house remodeling and we need additional crews. Most of our crews are 2-person crews that can take a bathroom or kitchen from start to finish, but we also look for larger crews for the larger projects. We currently have 9 crews that can have work from us every week if they want, but we could really use 2-3 more experienced crews. We can take all the gaps out of your schedule and we can keep you working when other companies slow down. Most contract crews work with us full-time, but also complete other projects outside of Home Front.
Most of our projects are 2-4 weeks long with larger projects lasting up to 4-6 months. We make sure you have a project plan that works, materials on site when you need them, a Project Manager who helps keep everything on track and a Finance Director who makes sure we - and you - get paid. You don't have to wait for your money; we cut checks every Friday based on your progress on the job. You get the satisfaction of completing a project and knowing you did great work, without the worry of collecting payments or trying to find the next gig.
You and your crew must be experienced in:
- Drywall installation and repair
- Texture and texture matching
- Paint (spray and roll: interior, exterior and cabinets/trim)
- Top notch tile installation (showers, tubs, backsplash, flooring)
- Door installation (interior and exterior)
- Cabinet installation (prefinished cabinets)
- Light plumbing and light electrical
- Framing (minor, not entire homes but sometimes additions)
- Insulation (fiberglass batts and cellulose spray)
- You must supply and have all the tools necessary to complete your projects correctly. Having a truck or van is also a plus.
- We need the BEST crews that can handle a bathroom, kitchen or addition from start to finish. We hire CREWS, not individuals. Most of our crews are just 2-person crews, but a crew leader (or company owner) must have:
An assistant or more than 1 helper (helper or helpers).
A DBA or some sort of business entity and commercial liability insurance for your company and helpers.
- Crew leads must speak English to communicate with our company, Project Managers and clients.
- 1099 contract only. We pay our crews well for excellent quality work.
Check out this video from a couple of our crew leaders talking about what it's like working with Home Front:
- Send us photos of your work. Don't be shy, you should be proud of your work!
- Describe your company experience level. Include experience in drywall, texture, tile work, painting, framing, insulation, flooring, trim work, door installation, cabinet finishing/refinishing, window installation, etc.
- Leave a good contact phone number and email, then answer your phone when we call!
- We use a 2 step interview process. The second step requires proof of your skills with a hands on assessment.
- We maintain high quality standards as part of our path to success. Our interview process reflects those standards. Our online company ratings are very high because we truly care about our projects, our clients, your crew and YOUR work quality. Become a part of that success, apply today!
Most of our work is in Tarrant County, but we do work the entire DFW area on occasion.
We are a work/life balance company; we typically work Monday-Friday.