We are Hiring Part-time college Students Near UTSA
We are looking for part- time young individuals who are: enthusiastic, positive vibes, and a team player, to be a part of our team. Go to (www.sumosumosanantonio.com) to join our team.
Story: September 15, 2023, we introduced to the public of San antonio, the first table side cooking experience in a fast casual hibachi setting. The concept started during the covid era where, our sister restaurant Sumo Japanese Steak est. August 2012. Sumo Japanese Steakhouse A well-known restaurant in the metro, medical San antonio area was forced to closed during mandated to close, and that’s where Sumo Sumo Hibachi bar was created. We will start selling franchises around the Texas area starting 2025.
We are looking for a few individuals who want to be cross trained in all parts of the restaurant and make a difference.
Frontline (in front)
Backline /frying
Door knocking, we've got a spot for you.
Please go to www. sumosumosanantonio.com to join our team.