Now casting “MISANDRIST 2”
This feature film will be shot in Las Vegas, with shooting scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays for six weeks. This project involves a group of actors and filmmakers funded by the Actor Film Ensemble. 90% of all profits are distributed among the cast and crew, and no actor or filmmaker is required or allowed to pay for anything. The films are shot in 4k using professional equipment and submitted to festivals. Credits for films, cast, and crew are listed on IMDB. Each film has a marketing plan developed. This film is anticipated to receive a “R” rating from the MPA. Now casting Phoenix a new Misandrist as well as a Tribunal Target named “Teddy”. Includes free professional “Coach To Camera” actor and filmmaker training program leading to casting for members with no audition. Nonmembers may audition without membership.
Do you die well, or live to tell?
-Misandrist- must be attractive 18-40 years old
Any race
-Teddy- must be a male 30-55 years old to play very evil banker
Any race
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